Mike Weaver Area Leader Report
Mike Weaver Area Leader Report

Our fall ministry has brought us to several places.
Going back to the Farm Progress Show at the end of August, we spoke to several people including many FFA chapters and groups. One group was so touched that they wanted a picture together with me. I remember the tent at times was filled with young people and some of the groups gathered were in their thirties. Lots of opportunities to influence young people with the Word of God.
A new show for Jeff and me was in Wyoming, the Farm, Ranch, and Hemp Expo. Keeping with God’s moving us Westward in ministry. A small show but with many interactions with students from Torrington College since it was on their campus. We were able to talk about FCFI with many people about disaster relief and see many come to Christ.
A new event that we hope to see more of regarding Future Farmers was a green hand event. Please pray for more of these invites to minister! I sat up in the morning and from 9 am until 1 pm I must have shared the gospel with over 400 new FFA students. Barely catching my breath between groups as they lined up across the gymnasium to get a stick and then hear the gospel. We were well received and encouraged by the director to share with everybody.
We returned this year to The Thresherman’s Show in Pinckneyville, IL, close to home. Lots of smoke and dust but also a great time talking and praying with people. One thing that stood out was the number of people who had lost children and were grieving and looking for answers. I believe we were able to comfort a couple of them.
Close to home were Hunting and Fishing days at John A Logan College.
Dennis brought the mini 4020 that received a lot of attention. We spoke with people from all over the world even from Malaysia and with that some strange beliefs. It is amazing that God through his Word has made provision for false teaching and dispels them.
Springfield, MO at the Ozark Farm Fest was a hit as always. With help from Dennis and Karen Hembrough and George Noble we stayed busy every day sharing the gospel, praying with folks, and getting testimonies of how people have been touched by our ministering over the years. One lady had visited us while her newborn baby was in the hospital and struggling. She attributes the health of her child to prayer while there and praised the Lord for his healing.

We always look forward to the Tulsa Show near Christmas. There is always lights and people in a joyous mood. What a way to close out the year than with a farm show. As with other shows, we get to meet with friends we have cultivated over the years. Praying, encouraging, crying, and rejoicing together with folks that have needs and some who just want to share about what great things God has done.
We closed out the year by going to Tennessee to help with cleanup and getting people back on track after the December 9th tornadoes that struck Clarksville, Tennessee. Dan and Lori Miller helped with assembling a team from Illinois. We were able to clean up a pasture littered with debris from a nearby suburban area damaged by the winds. We cleared fence and cut lots of trees that had blown down. The adjoining farmer also received help as we cleared debris from his wheat field. Another family just a few miles away also received attention as we cleaned their field and opened pathways through their woods to structures. All of the families were deeply touched by our organization and were so appreciative of our efforts, even being moved to tears.
I look forward to our next year and the people and opportunities God already has set in place for us to minister.
God bless,
Mike Weaver