Kansas State FFA Convention
This year’s Kansas State FFA Convention was held May 31 to June 2, 2023 in Manhattan, Kansas, at the Kansas State University Student Union. Area Leaders Mike Weaver and Jeff Goss worked the show, like most state FFA conventions. I cann them our A Team:)
From the Kansas FFA website:
“Kansas FFA has a rich and deep history, which we are seeking to celebrate as we quickly approach the 100th Anniversary milestone of this agricultural leadership youth organization. The preservation of this organization’s legacy and stories is the critical mission of Project 2028. It is through our shared history that we will uncover the path to a greater future. There are countless ways we can all help in this endeavor, find out below where you can contribute in this cause!”
From Jeff:
“We only got about 5 hours to minister to the FFA kids in Kansas at the KSTATE Student Union. It was really busy for a few hours, but the kids were very receptive and many prayed with us.”
Please pray for Mike and Jeff, as they will be on the road for quite a stretch, ministering to our future farmers all over the United States at state FFA conventions, farm shows, and local fairs. Upcoming FFA Conventions: Louisiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Alabama. Please keep them in your prayers, and thank you for your continued support!