In Faith and Farming: Rallying Behind AD Alvarez Amidst Financial Struggles

AD Alvarez with his family

At FCFI (Fellowship of Christian Farmers International), we have always admired and supported those who step out in faith to make a difference. AD Alvarez, a dedicated farmer and missionary in a developing country, is one such individual. His work in modernizing farming techniques, helping local farmers, and spreading the message of hope and sustainability is unparalleled.

Several years ago, Dennis Schagel and Don Miske met AD at a farm show. That encounter blossomed into a strong relationship, and AD has become a vital part of our international expansion. His innovative approach to farming, coupled with his commitment to mentoring others, sets him apart. AD embraces Green Revolution technologies where they make sense, balancing economic viability with environmental stewardship—something rarely seen in developing countries.

But even those with the best intentions face challenges. AD is now enduring a significant financial hardship. As part of his mission, he helped form a cooperative with local farmers, brokered to sell corn at a fair price. However, some members of this cooperative deceived him, failing to honor their agreement and intentionally withholding their promised corn to seek a higher price.

This betrayal led to devastating consequences. The corn was ultimately sold at a much lower price, leaving AD with a significant shortfall. To bridge the gap, he borrowed funds, expecting the deal to cover the loan. Now, with the cooperative’s failure to uphold the contract, AD struggles to repay the loan and prepare for his upcoming harvest. The delayed crop is adding to his financial strain, and the burden is taking a toll on his mental and emotional well-being.

We at FCFI are asking for your prayers and support during this challenging time for AD. Your prayers for strength, wisdom, and resilience will uplift him in this season of trial. If God puts it on your heart to assist financially, FCFI is prepared to pass along donations to help AD recover from this setback.

AD’s work is a beacon of hope for so many farmers in his region. His faith, dedication, and perseverance inspire us all. By standing with him now, we can ensure he continues to fulfill his mission of empowering others, fostering innovation, and glorifying God through his work.

Please remember AD Alvarez in your prayers and, if led, consider contributing to his cause. Every bit helps to lighten his load and allows him to continue making an impact in his community and beyond.

Faith in the Field: A Missionary’s Vision for Farmers in the Philippines (AD Alvarez)

To donate or learn more, please contact us at FCFI. Together, we can support AD through this difficult time and ensure his mission continues to thrive.