FFA Conventions

We are now in the thick of it concerning State FFA Conventions. We are passed the half-way mark, in that we have now exhibited at more than 25 state conventions!
Recent conventions include Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Iowa, Tennessee, and Arkansas, with many more to come. Area Leaders Mike Weaver and Jeff Goss are heading up the presentations at the state conventions.

Here is a write-up from Area Leader Jeff Goss, reporting from his many farm shows and FFA Conventions:
“Mike Weaver, Bill Nichols, Tim Spruell from St. Louis, Candace Allen from Kansas City and myself just finished ministering at the Western Farm show in Kansas City yesterday. Normally they bus in about 4500 to 5000 FFA kids from all over Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa. This year they said there was about 1500 more kids than last year. And sure enough it seemed like there were more kids. As usual they were very receptive and hungry for the things of God. Many prayed with us to receive Christ and we gave out thousands of tracts, John Roman Books, New Testaments, and New Beginnings flyers. One man shared with us that his nephew came to our booth last year and because of the seed we sowed into him he went forward to get saved at his church the next Sunday. My favorite testimony was last week in Louisville, as I was ministering to 4 teenage girls and talking about eternity and the plan of salvation, one girl began to shake. She and the others prayed to receive Christ. After the girl that had been shaking prayed, when she lifted her head up, she had the glory of God on her face and she had a total look of peace on her face.”

“Thanks so much for your prayers. Hundreds of teens prayed with us in Nebraska to get saved during the full two days! They were so hungry and receptive. Thanks again for your prayers.”
One of my favorite stories was of a girl in Wyoming who came to our booth and was so happy we were there. She kept saying that she was surprised that the school board was letting us be there and she kept saying she hoped we were back next year. Another young man in Arkansas was very glad that we were there, and liked us so much for being there that he pulled out a twenty dollar bill and put it in our connect box. Other kids and even adults at the FFA Conventions have been showing a hunger for the things of God and have been asking us questions about the Bible and about our work at FCFI.”

More from Jeff:
“In the last few weeks we have ministered at conventions in Utah, Tennessee, and the most recent in these pictures is Nebraska. Hundreds of kids are praying with us to receive Jesus and we have been giving out boxes of New Testaments and other Follow up material and websites. This picture of this FFA cowboy kneeling down to receive Christ shows the sincerity and hunger we have been seeing. Please pray as we are ministering at the Wyoming, Iowa, South Dakota and Arkansas FFA state conventions in the next couple of weeks. Thank you and God bless!”

Please continue to pray for our leaders ministering to our wonderful FFA students. The kids are always so polite and attentive while the Gospel is presented to them. They do have a sense that this is the most important thing for them. Pray for blessings on all those who come to hear the message of Jesus. Thank you for your prayers and support!