FFA Conventions in Full Swing!

The Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International is very busy attending farm shows, FFA Conventions, and disaster relief. Recently, Area Leaders Jeff Goss and Mike Weaver have been racking up the milage bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to our young ag students at various State FFA Conventions around the country. The Fellowship is making sure that our Future Farmers of America know about the Creator of the Universe, and strive to make the world a better place.

Area Leader Jeff Goss visits with three young ladies from the South Dakota State FFA Convention
As always, the Fellowship of Christian Farmers is looking for more volunteers to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our best and brightest youth, our beloved future farmers. With God’s help, we will move from the current 28 state conventions to all 50!

Area Leader Mike Weaver meets with several ag students from the Tennessee FFA
If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” – John 15:18-19
It is with great sadness that we have been asked not to return to the Illinois FFA Convention. Ohio also won’t let us in. Idaho also removed us from the exhibit list. Reasons are keeping the kids too long in the booth, praying with the kids, etc. Please pray that the Lord’s will be done, and we can again do His work in all states, at all state conventions. Also pray that we may return to the National FFA Convention. This is a war between good and evil. We know who wins this war!

Report from Area Leader Jeff Goss:
As I sit and reflect on The FFA state conventions in which God has allowed FCFI to minister, I realize what a great and golden opportunity God has given us to be able to minister to so many young people throughout the United States. Young people are one of the most important mission fields in the world right now and as one FFA girl told us at the Alabama FFA State convention, FFA students are a big mission field. Just like the rest of the world, they are surrounded by darkness and God is using us to bring them the light of the Gospel. Whether we are ministering to young students in New Mexico, Alabama, Oklahoma or any of the other states, there are some common themes or occurrences that happen to the students in each state. Whether I am talking to the kids about eternity or how much God loves them and wants to have a relationship with them or how only He can give them peace, joy and true purpose. Or maybe I am telling them about how only a relationship with God can fill the void inside them, they all react in a similar way. Conviction comes on their faces as well as a longing to receive the almost too good to be true Gospel. Another thing that I have seen repeatedly after these kids pray to receive Jesus is seeing a visible dramatic change that comes over their countenance. For some comes the peace and glory of God on their faces, while others have a look of contentment and renewed hope and purpose. What is happening to these kids is real and powerful and I believe it is somehow going to spread to the nation and the world. As I have said over and over this is the only hope for our nation. “
New Mexico and the Four Corners

4 Corners, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado

Shiprock, New Mexico. Jeff Goss visits the North Navajo Nation Fair annually to preach the Gospel in the 4 corners area
Coming next, Jeff attends the Mississippi FFA Convention, and then straight to Florida for the Florida State FFA Convention. Please pray for all of our volunteers for these shows, especially our tireless leaders: Jeff Goss, Mike Weaver, and Bill Nichols.
Thank you for all of your support!