FCFI Golf Outing May 19


Beautiful Woodgate Pines Golf Club in Boonville, New York


This year’s annual FCFI Golf tournament was again at Woodgate Pines, 2965 Hayes Rd W, Boonville, NY on Saturday, May 19, 2018.  Steve and Chris Brown organized the event.  The above photo looks nothing like the course we played on, although it was, because it was 42 degrees and raining most of the day.  Golfing in cold, windy rain is not the most fun, but we did have fun.  As they say, “A bad day of golf is still better than a good day at work.”


Heading out to the course


The day started with lunch, burgers and hot dogs, while the rain continued.  We took a half hour rain delay as some of the heavier rain passed.  When we started, it was still raining, only less, but the wind and cold cut right through the light rain gear.


I think I can clear the water hazard


Tee time – bring out the big stick


Two members of the winning team, along with event coordinators, Steve and Chris Brown on right


After golf, a wonderful steak dinner awaited us.  Raffles included fire pits and power tools.  Weather considering, it was still a great time of golf and fellowship.  All 18 holes had sponsors, and $5000 was raised for the Fellowship of Christian Farmers.


You can view last year’s eNewsletter about the golf outing here –> 2017 FCFI Golf Outing