Farm Progress Show 2023: Massive Crowds

Farm Progress Show 2023: Massive Crowds

Oh, how often I have looked through the lens and seen our FCFI tent guests sitting on the edge of their seats listening to the Gospel story, as told through the 5 colors of the Wordless Walking Stick!

The Farm Progress Show of 2023 was held in Decatur, Illinois, August 29-31, under fair skies and perfect temperatures.  That brought massive crowds to see the latest in farm technology.  Observing the demographics of the visiting crowd, it is noticeable that there a lot of younger people here this year.  That is a good trend for the vocation of farming.  I don’t have any attendance numbers, but a quick look at the photos here will show for certain that the Fellowship of Christian Farmers tent was full most of the time.

Sometimes it’s only one or two, but the interest and focus are the same.  FCFI Board Treasurer Tom Keithley shares the Gospel with a young couple.

Some people choose to ride around the show grounds in a golf cart or side-by-side.  With the large crowds walking, it is not an easy task to drive around.  Still not a bad idea.  It’s a lot of walking to see the entire show.

Packed house in the Fellowship tent

Why does everyone want a free walking stick?  Cuz it’s free!  Everyone wants free stuff, and the free swag of the Wordless Walking Stick is the perfect swag.  Great for walking, great message.  The most valuable message you will ever receive.  Hear the story here, as proclaimed by FCFI Area Leader Mike Weaver –>

Walking Stick Story  (contains video and written explanatiopn of the colors of the beads)

Executive Director Dennis Schlagel with the crew from WAND TV.  

A television crew from WAND TV was walking around the show grounds looking for the exhibit with the best swag to give away.  Most have a catch, usually filling out a form with your contact information, and you get a T-shirt or something, then you may get pestered with sales reps selling cars, trucks, etc.  The Fellowship of Christian Farmers swag giveaway also has a catch.  Just spend a few minutes listening to the greatest story ever told,  the story of Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers!  A small catch with the biggest reward!

FCFI Home Office Manager shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a brother and sister at the Farm Progress Show as a line forms behind them to pick up their walking sticks

Stay tuned for a follow up eNewsletter with more photos from the show and a video link to a panel discussion taken from our tent at the Farm Progress Show of a panel discussion titled “Finding Hope in the Midst of Adversity.”

The next Farm Progress Show will be in Boone, Iowa on August 27-29, 2024.  See you there, and thank you for your support!