Farm Progress Show 2022

The Farm Progress Show made it back to Boone, Iowa, after missing 2020 and alternating every year with Decatur, Illinois. The weather was perfect, as seen in this first photo.
From the Farm Progress Show website:
“For over 50 years, the Farm Progress Show has connected farmers from across the globe with agriculture’s leading companies. With hundreds of exhibitors, there’s no better place to engage with the latest farm products and the specialists who developed, tested and designed them. Whether you are looking to innovate with the latest ag-technology, learn from industry experts, or share your farming legacy with your family, the Farm Progress Show has it all.”

Being the largest outdoor farm show in the nation, much preparation is necessary to pull this show off. Our crew stays at Hidden Acres Christian Camp, a beautiful facility about a half hour from the show grounds. On Tuesday evening, Ralph Shallenberger prepared a steak dinner with home made ice cream. Several Brazilian farmers were invited to join us. A make-it-yourself lunch was provided in the tent for the volunteers. Fellowship literature is set up on various tables around the tent, showing our disaster relief efforts and gospel ministry.

The show ran from August 30 through September 1, with the Wednesday show being the most well attended. Several FCFI volunteers stood outside, encouraging show attendees to come in the tent, or to hear the Gospel out near the street. The tent gives people a chance to rest a bit and get out of the hot sun, even for just a few minutes. It may be the most important few minutes of their lives, as they are presented with the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Glenn Schuler, one of our Iowa volunteers, offered a book he wrote on one of our display tables. The back cover explains it best:
“Words can be a powerful tool to understand and express how you are feeling. Poetry is perhaps one of the best examples of that. It moves you and makes you think.
In “From a Brother to Another” author Glenn Schuler shares his thoughts and poems that broke down difficult language barriers and opened the ears and hearts of those he loves. The poems were written over 25 years while he faced challenges like divorce, job failures, loneliness, depression, financial woes, inflated pride, and more. Now he is ready to share his words with you…”
Contact the Fellowship of Christian Farmers for a $5 copy.

Holly Keithley is one of our great volunteers. She is the wife of FCFI Board Treasurer Tom Keithley, and they are both active in sharing the Gospel and helping make the Fellowship of Christian Farmers complete the mission of all of us: to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world, one at a time.

At the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, we are privileged to bring the Saving Grace of Jesus to all people. But we could not do it without your support. We cannot help people recover from floods, tornadoes, or hurricanes without your support. Not everyone can handle the physical strain of disaster relief. Not everyone can present with Gospel of Jesus Christ with love and clarity. And not everyone can financially support the work of Christ. But between all of us, we hopefully can do one of these. And, if not, everyone can pray! Thank you and may God bless you!