Farm Progress Show 2021

Farm Progress Show 2021

Fellowship of Christian Farmers tent on the south end of the show grounds at the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, IL

After the cancelled show in 2020, the Farm Progress Show is back for 2021 in Decatur, Illinois.  The show was Tuesday, August 31 through Thursday, September 2, 2021.  The Fellowship of Christian Farmers had a large tent on the south end of the show grounds.  Weather for the 3 day show was about as good as it gets in central Illinois in late August, with temps in the upper 70s.

The 5-colored beads explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ in just a few short minutes

The gold bead:  promise of Heaven (John 3:16, John 10:10)

The dark bead:  Sin and Separation (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23)

The red bead:  Blood of Christ (Romans 5:8, 1 Peter 3:18)

The white bead:  Washed clean (John 1:12, Romans 10:9)

The green bead:  Growth in Christ, fellowship with other believers

Area Leader Mike Weaver presenting the Gospe;l using the 5 colors of the Wordless Walking Stick

The Farm Progress Show is one of the larger farm shows in the Midwest, attracting visitors from all over the world.  International visitors are down, of course, due to travel restrictions caused by the pandemic.  Wednesday was by far the busiest day of the show.  Over 2000 sticks were given away on Wednesday, with 3500 given away for the entire show.

Nick Korn sharing the Gospel with a show visitor

The Farm Progress Show takes days to set up, including the Fellowship of Christian Farmers exhibit.  The 30 x 60 tent is filled with circles of chairs, for the Gospel presentations, and several tables filled with brochures, newsletters, manuals, bibles, and FCFI swag.  Area Leader Mike Weaver set up a display promoting our disaster relief outreach program, including barbed wire, fence posts, chain saws, and other disaster relief gear.

Disaster relief display

The Farm Progress Show’s size demands a large and well prepared crew of volunteers.  Executive Director Dennis Schlagel takes charge of this show, being one of the closest to the home office in Lexington, IL.  Much thanks to all who volunteered to present the Gospel, helped set up and tear down, provide food and drink, and to all who prepared walking sticks.  The two pallets of sticks were almost all given away, with less than half a pick up load left to bring to a show in Wisconsin.  And thank you to all of our eNewsletter readers for your support!