The annual Farm Progress Show was held in Boone, Iowa August 30 to September 1, 2016. The Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International assumed their regular position at the northwest corner of the exhibit grounds to give rest and tell the Gospel story through the Wordless Walking Stick. The weather was a bit cooler this year, and an early threat of rain kept the crowds down.
Farmers and enthusiasts come to Boone and Decatur, IL alternately to attend one of the largest farm shows of the summer season. Both locations have permanent facilities.
FCFI volunteers are eager to share the Gospel in a short presentation. Visitors who listen to the Wordless Walking Stick presentation are given a free walking stick with the colored beads telling the story that is the key to eternal life with Jesus Christ.

Music was presented by Heartsong, bringing their unique, Christian twist to popular songs, as well as Christian classics.

The hit of the show, as far as new machinery is concerned, was this remote controlled tractor by Case IH.
Next year’s Farm Progress Show will be in Decatur, Illinois from August 29-31, 2017.