Author: Kevin Kirchner

Jun 3, 2022

The Pastor’s Piece – June 5, 2022

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.’”
I’m getting tired of crying all the time.
It’s been another roller coaster week emotionally. My family is enduring much sorrow at this moment in the loss of my nephew’s 3 year old son due to a drowning accident on Memorial Day. That, and the loss last month of a 10 year old boy from our congregation in an accident and we are weary with grief and sadness (not to mention the national tragedy in Texas).

May 31, 2022

Prayer Guide – June, 2022

Mother’s Day is the day set aside to honor Mothers and Motherhood and
the infl uence that mothers have in society. This month we celebrate all the
mothers…past, present, and future. Also, all the women who longed to be
mothers, but their bodies did not respond, we hold you close this day. Mother’s
Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries.

May 27, 2022

The Pastor’s Piece – May 29, 2022

I’ve been serving the Lord in “my” church (it’s not mine at all) for almost three decades. The paradox of that is that it is a long time, but also, it’s not a long time. At this stage in my life, I look back and wonder where all the years have gone? It seems like yesterday my wife and I were moving across the country pursuing God’s will and purpose for our lives. Then we were moving back. Then our children were babies. Then toddlers. Then adolescence, teenagers and now married. Time flies. The Bible says our lives are like a vapor, here for a moment and then we “vanish away,” (James 4:14).  

May 23, 2022

The Pastor’s Piece – May 22, 2022

Occasionally, when a member of our church is moving out of the area, they will ask me what they should look for when they are searching for a new church? I always tell them one of the first things they should look for is to see if the people are carrying their Bibles into church with them on Sunday. If they are, that most likely means the Pastor uses the Bible to preach from, and they are turning there to follow along as he preaches. I would have to wonder why one would even go to church, if they weren’t being taught out of the Bible? 

May 13, 2022

The Pastor’s Piece – May 15, 2022

With the advent of the Internet and the smartphone and everything in between, I enjoy going online and watching farmers at work in different parts of our country. These farmers take a camera with them everywhere they go and record their days’ activities. Simple things like hauling corn to the elevator, sorting cows, pumping the manure pit, or working a field becomes entertainment. It’s basically all the same work, just different. I don’t really have a desire to carry a camera with me everywhere I go recording, editing, and posting my day’s activities, but I don’t mind giving you a glimpse into my day by writing it down on paper. So here is a glimpse into a typical day in my life.

May 6, 2022

The Pastor’s Piece – May 8,2022

Recently, I officiated at a funeral for a child who died suddenly. I’m sharing part of the message from that service in today’s column.

This is a difficult day. We all want to help, but none of us knows what to do. So we pray. But we don’t even know how to pray.

May 1, 2022

Prayer Guide – May, 2022

Mother’s Day is the day set aside to honor Mothers and Motherhood and
the infl uence that mothers have in society. This month we celebrate all the
mothers…past, present, and future. Also, all the women who longed to be
mothers, but their bodies did not respond, we hold you close this day. Mother’s
Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries.

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