The Pastor’s Piece – November 22, 2020

Fellowship of Christian Farmers
By Kevin Cernek
November 22, 2020


“Challenges and Victories”

No rebellion against God can ultimately stand.

Anne Bradstreet, of the Puritan era (1612-1672) wrote a poem (Contemplations) on how the creation reveals the invisible attributes of God, (Ps 19, Romans 1). One line says:

        I wish not to wish, yet sure, thought I,                                                              

        If so much excellence abide below,                                                    

       How excellent is He that dwells on high!

I’ve been thinking this week about what it will be like on that great day to stand before God and look Him in the eye. Actually, I’ve been thinking about how impossible it will be to look God in the eye. Bible verses like Nahum 1:5 immediately come to mind: “The mountains quake before Him and the hills melt away. The earth trembles at His presence, the world and all who live in it.

Enter Jesus Christ …

Hebrews 2:13 says …  “Here I am and the children you gave me.”

Imagine standing with Jesus before the throne of God with all the beauty of heaven surrounding you and Jesus stretching His arms out around you like you would your own family and saying, “Here I am and the children you gave me.”  On Whom do you think your eyes will be fixed? I can tell you – they will be fixed on Jesus, the “Author and Finisher of our faith” because it is Jesus who provides our acceptance to the Father. It is Jesus who saves us from this world of sin. It is Jesus who cleanses us and makes us whole.  It is because of Jesus we will be able to stand in the presence of God and not shrink away in fear and dread.

It is Jesus.

If you had to use one word to describe the year 2020 what would it be? Disastrous? Fearful? Sad? Hopeful? Great? Exciting? My description would be exciting. It’s exciting to see God at work in the middle of a pandemic, an election, the holidays, and everything else we face day to day.

I’ve heard the comment many times in the last few weeks: “I’ll sure be glad to get 2020 over with.” Be careful not to wish your life away. In John 16:33 Jesus told us to expect trouble: “In this world you will have trouble.” We should expect hardship in our pilgrimage here below. I’m thankful that whatever our trouble is, it is not greater than the presence and power of Jesus in our lives … “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  Jesus has already taken care of it.

I’m excited about what God has in store for the remaining 42 days of this year. With so much uncertainty and fear and even chaos, what could He possibly have in mind? Will we see Him “swoop” in with great power and undeniable prominence and change the course of world events – or the events in our country? I am praying for that and I am anticipating it in one form or another.

“When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?” (Luke 18:8).

Can you look at the trouble and challenges this year has wrought and give thanks to God for His bounty in your life? I know I can.  

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


 (Kevin Cernek is Lead Pastor at Martintown Community Church in Martintown, Wisconsin and Assistant to the Executive Director at Fellowship of Christian Farmers International, Lexington, IL).