29th Annual FCFI Conference – Branson, MO
The Fellowship of Christian Farmers just completed its 29th annual conference July 27-29, 2022 in Branson, Missouri at the Lodge of the Ozarks.
The conference is a great time to get together in fellowship, and to see how the Lord is working amongst its members and friends. The 29th Annual FCFI Conference brought news from all over the United States, New Zealand, Canada, and Romania.
Jesus at the Sight and Sound Theater
The first side trip at the conference was the Sight and Sound Theater’s presentation of “Jesus.” After driving in torrential rain all day, we were greeted in Branson with 100+ temperatures, as we entered the delightfully cool theater. The presentation was a scripturally based live performance of the life of Jesus Christ, with outstanding sets, music, and special effects. Staff assists guests at the end of each performance to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
College of the Ozarks
Wednesday morning, we left the hotel and headed for the College of the Ozarks in Branson for a tour of the campus. College students working different workstations presented overviews of the work done on campus, including farming, dairy, stain glass making, jams and jellies, candles, and the tractor museum. Lunch was provided at the Keeter Center, a beautiful log lodge, including restaurants and quality lodging.
The Conference
The conference began Wednesday evening with dinner at the Lodge. FCFI Executive Director Dennis Schlagel kicked off the conference as the MC, introducing the board, staff, and special guests. Wednesday night’s reports from the area leaders Bill Brown, Mike Weaver, and Jeff Goss showed the best of FCFI: Gospel presentations at farm shows and FFA Conventions and disaster relief projects. FCFI’s willingness to go and serve has brought the fellowship some good exposure, which leads to many helping to fund our efforts of bringing people into the Kingdom as well as helping our neighbors recover from tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes.
Next came the fundraising auction, always entertaining!
Thursday began with {astor Alex leading the morning devotions. Praise and worship led by Mark LeTourneau and Scott Roberts was followed by international reports from Board President Steve Cernek, who deferred his Presidential Address to present Pastor Alex from Romania, Angus Buchan, South Africa, Fred Hoekstra, from New Zealand reporting on farming in the Netherlands, Owen Jennings, New Zealand, and Jocelyn Aubut, Canada.
After a short break, Ignitor Groups, smaller groups of 6 or 7 spend a little time together to get to know each other better.
This year’s workshops were filled with great stories of God’s neverending love for His people. Chancellor Jerry Davis, College of the Ozarks, made a fantastic presentation explaining how it’s done at the College of the Ozarks. It included 3 videos: one was an overview of the college, one was a Fox and Friends news presentation, and the third was on their trip to Washington, DC. All graduates leave the College of the Ozarks debt-free and filled with patriotism.
Ken Ortman presented Lives Under Construction (LUC). Ken relived amazing stories of young men struggling with life, learning how to get along with people, how to work, and how to love. It is a constant struggle to keep LUC fully staffed, and prayers are needed to keep them running.
Roger Denhart talked about farming in the Ukraine during wartime, planting corn, soybeans, and chruches.
After naptime and dinner, Scott and Lori Anne Roberts played a concert with inspirational Christian music and heartfelt testimonies.
FCFI Board Treasurer Tom Keithley prepared the offering to the Fellowship of Christian Farmers. Thank you so much for supporting the Fellowship of Christian Farmers!
Pastor Kevin Cernek made the keynote address. Kevin will tell you “It’s not an address, it’s a sermon.” The title was “What Keeps You Awake at Night? God’s Answer to Fear.”
Friday morning kicked off with Pastor Alex leading the morning devotions. Breakfast, ignitor groups, checkout, all leading up to Kevin Cernek’s continuation of “What keeps you awake at night? God’s Answer to Fear.”
Overall, it was truly an amazing conference! All who came were blessed by all of the great speakers, musicians, and fellowship. A special big thank you to Kris Miller, our conference organizer.
Find our conference videos (17) on YouTube (coming soon to Rumble)
1) Open YouTube. Sign in to your account if you have one.
2) In the search box, enter Fellowship of Christian Farmers.
3) Subscribe to the Fellowship of Christian Farmers.
3) Search on FCFI Conference 2022. YouTube may intermingle some other videos in between, but they all should be there.