27th Annual FCFI Conference – Shipshewana, IN

This year marks the 27th Annual FCFI Conference.  We are back in Shipshewana, Indiana Thursday, July 23 through Sunday lunch July 26, 2020.  We will be staying at the Blue Gate Garden Inn in Shipshewana.  Keynote speaker will be Pastor Kevin Cernek from Martintown, Wisconsin.  Kevin has recently been named Assistant to the Executive Director at the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International.  The conference will be in Shipshewana, but we will also have virtual events that you can follow along online, including the music group Keith Barkley and Family Tradition.

Here is the link to the online registration –> 27th Annual FCFI Conference

The plan is to live stream the main speaking events of the Conference.  Here is the approximate schedule:




Download (PDF, 126KB)


Special Note:

If you registered for the Conference online, your credit, debit, or bank statement will show “We Pay.”