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Fellowship of Christian Farmers Year In Review

2023 Year In Review

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News from

Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International


In this issue


Volunteer for Disaster Relief!


Volunteer for Disaster Relief!

The Fellowship of Christian Farmers has been busy helping people recover from tornadoes in Yuma, Colorado.  We had a remarkable adventure in New Lebanon, Indiana.  Contact the FCFI Home Office to learn more about disaster relief opportunities.  

  FCFI is always in need of disaster relief workers for fence building, flood restoration, and general clean-up and repair.  Join a work team today!  Call Dennis Schlagel at 309-530-7004 or email at for details. Or visit the Fellowship of Christian Farmers website here --> VOLUNTEER!


New Max Armstrong Book Available!


The Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International is promoting the sale of our friend, Max Armstrongs’s latest book entitled, “More Stories from the Heartland.” Max attended the 62nd Annual Antique Engine and Tractor Show on September 16th in rural Geneseo, Illinois.  While at the Show , he stopped by the FCFI exhibit to shoot a video about his new book; the 100 Years of Farmall Anniversary; and Antique Tractor Show.  Some of you may have seen the video on Facebook last week.  Max’s new book can be ordered on the or off an FCFI E-newsletter.  Or call the Home Office at 309-365-8710 and a friendly person will help you.


Case IH Children's Books!


Case Ih has come out with a new series of books called Case IH for Kids.  Call 309-365-8710 or visit the home office in Lexington at 221 W Main St, Lexington, IL 61753.  The books can be purchased individually, or in a set of 8 books.  Order yours today!


New Book Available!


Glenn Schuler, one of our Iowa volunteers, offered a book he wrote on one of our display tables.  The back cover explains it best:
"Words can be a powerful tool to understand and express how you are feeling.  Poetry is perhaps one of the best examples of that.  It moves you and makes you think.
In "From a Brother to Another" author Glenn Schuler shares his thoughts and poems that broke down difficult language barriers and opened the ears and hearts of those he loves.  The poems were written over 25 years while he faced challenges like divorce,  job failures, loneliness, depression,  financial woes, inflated pride, and more.  Now he is ready to share his words with you..."
Contact the Fellowship of Christian Farmers for a $5 copy.



Your gift funds FCFI projects. Thank you for your support!


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2023 in Review!


I always begin this year-end eNewsletter with this classic photo of the home office awning covered with icicles!

2023 is nearly complete, and although prices are up, crime is up, and evil abounds, God is still on His Throne, and is still in control of His Creation, praise God!  God listens to the prayers of His Chosen, so keep praying!

Thank you for your faithfulness, as FCFI workers continue to do the work commissioned by Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago in Matthew 28.  FCFI, as a ministry, has much about which to be thankful.  Because of your support this past year, FCFI was able to continue the Lord's work presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ at farm shows and State FFA conventions across the country, which have been a great source of encouragement to farmers, ranchers, and their families.  We are so thankful to you for putting prayer into action in many ways to be the hands and feet of the Lord in rural America.

Walking Sticks


Walking Sticks come in many forms.  Here are some extra fancy sticks from the Clarion, PA Autumn Leaf Festival and Craft Show.

The primary function of FCFI is the telling of the Gospel story of Jesus Christ through the Wordless Walking Stick.  Literally thousands of walking sticks are given away at the farm shows and other events in which FCFI participates.

Walking Stick creating happens several times a year, and in several different locations.  Area Leader Bill Brown hosts a big stick making party at his home in Marcy, NY.  Several take place at the Home Office warehouse in Lexington, IL.  We Just received a huge flatbed trailer full of 11,000 sticks!  Praise the Lord!  Most raw sticks come in 8 foot lengths and need to be cut in half, drilled with a hole, and strung with a leather strap strung with the 5 colors of beads and a punch-holed card with the Gospel presentation.

Thanks to all who have helped build walking sticks!!

Farm Shows


Area Leader Mike Weaver visits with a young girl at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, KY

2023 was a fantastic year for farm shows.  With most everything opened up again, people are out and about, and the hunger for the Gospel of Jesus Christ was apparent.  We are always amazed how attentive our farm show visitors are while hearing the Gospel.  Farm shows, county fairs, state FFA conventions, and other smaller shows and festivals bring thousands of people, and FCFI positions themselves to be the bearer of Good News to a dying world.  Contact FCFI, and we can help your church get involved in promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ at a farm show or fair near you.


Disaster Relief and Recovery


Preparing chain saws for a long day of disaster relief work near Sullivan, Indiana after a tornado swept through the area April 1, 2023

Headlines fade, and the disaster stories disappear, but for the victims of tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and hailstorms, the pain and suffering continues well after the cameras are gone.  That's when the Fellowship of Christian Farmers steps in and helps clear downed trees, debris, and damage.  We mostly help farmers in rural areas, mostly forgotten by other disaster relief organizations.  There is never a charge to those we help recover, and we appreciate all of your donations that are applied to disaster relief.


Disaster Relief Equipment


Branson tractor donated to FCFI for disaster relief work

To respond to disasters, the Fellowship of Christian Farmers maintains a motor coach to house disaster volunteers, two shower trailers, and a 5th wheel command center, equipped with living quarters, tools, and workshop area, and a Kubota side by side on a flatbed trailer.  A brand new Branson tractor was donated to FCFI while we werre working in western Kentucky, cleaning up after a tornado hit last December.

Please pray as we continue to add to our disaster relief equipment.  Right now, we are considering a heavy flat bed trailer that will haul side by sides, skid steers, generators, and chain saws.  The trailer needs work.  Pray for wisdom as we decide if this trailer will help us in our disaster relief efforts.

A big thank you to all who contribute to disaster relief, whether it be organizing work crews, removing and trimming trees, hauling debris, providing meals for workers, Helping with funds, or just visiting with storm victims.  It's a team effort, and more hands make quick work.  Thank you, and God bless you!

Mecum Tractor Auctions


John Deere 110 garden tractor restored to look like a mini-4020, complete with dually rear wheels!

Our friend Don Miske, from Allenton, Wisconsin, has restored four tractors, as of date.  The first was a full size 4020.  The next two were garden tractors converted to mini-4020 replicas, sold to the same buyer at the Mecum Tractor Auction in East Moline, Illinois.  The most recent project, shown above, is nearly complete and waiting for the announcement of the next Mecum Auction.  In the meantime, this tractor has been touring Midwestern farm shows, fairs, and street festivals.  Do you have an old tractor taking up space in your shed?  A tractor donation to the Fellowship of Christian Farmers helps fund all of our operations, like farm shows, mailings, and disaster relief.

Praise the Lord!


Work crew near Sullivan, Indiana:  FFA kids from Sullivan

Just a few days remain in 2023.  Please prayerfully consider making a year-end, tax deductible donation to the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International.  Your donation funds the FCFI tent at farm shows, where seasoned evangelists/farmers herald the Good News of Jesus Christ to the farming community.  Your giving also funds rapid response teams for disaster relief that directly benefits farmers across the U.S. and Canada.

Thank you all for your generosity to the Fellowship over the years, and for donating your time and talents.  Money is needed, and greatly appreciated, but without your time and talents, and especially your prayers, we could not do what we need to do, and that is to fulfill God's Great Commission.
Thank you for your support!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International, and may you be richly blessed in 2024!


FCFI, P.O. Box 15, Lexington, IL 61753 | | (309) 365-8710 |

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