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Check out the latest Profit Magazine updates today. Together, let us embark on this journey of service and transformation, united by our faith and commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission. Your involvement can make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities worldwide. Join us in advancing God's kingdom through Fellowship of Christian Farmers International.

Happy spring! I say that with the optimism of knowing that spring follows winter every year! I recently returned from a mission trip to Romania. The hint of spring was popping up all around us over there, trees starting to bud, a few flowers peeking out, the stork even returned from her winter vacation back to her nest in the village where we were staying.

Sowing, Serving, Reaping for Christ around the world embodies the mission of The Fellowship of Christian Farmers International (FCFI). The three pronged ministry of FCFI, evangelism, disaster relief, and short term mission trips, enables us to show the love of Christ through a wide range of settings...

I know many of you like being in the middle of God's work and one of FCFI's main missions is to give ordinary farmers, like me and you, the opportunity to jump in and use our abilities to further God's Kingdom...

As I write this, our world as we know it seems to be changed for the near future. The news stories are all about COVID-19. If it isn't the latest number of infections, it's news of stores running out of sanitizing and health items...

The Fellowship of Christian Farmers, Int. has been active in disaster relief campaigns in North Carolina (Hurricane Florence), Florida and Georgia (Hurricane Michael), and now assessing the massive flooding on the Elkhorn River and the Missouri River in Nebraska and Iowa.

Many friendships have been made through Fellowship of Christian Farmers activities including mission trips, disaster relief and working at farm shows. The annual conference is a chance to renew those friendships or even start new ones. The

One of the cherished attributes of Christian maturity is the awareness of God's blessings on our lives over time. It's faith, increasingly becoming substance. The mounting evidence of unmistakable, ongoing miracles in a believer's life as they age helps awaken and strengthen their assurance of Jesus' providence.

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